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1 Arai, J.A., Li, S., Hartley, D.M., & Feig, L.A. (2009).  Transgenerational rescue of a genetic defect in long-term potentiation and memory formation by juvenile enrichment. Journal of Neuroscience, 29(5), 1496-1502.

2 Barber, W., King, S., & Buchanan, S. (2015). Problem based learning and authentic assessment in digital pedagogy: Embracing the role of collaborative communities.
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Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 13(2), 59-67. 

3 Belmonte, L. T. (2015). Refining pedagogy with a humanistic psychology of cognitive mediation.
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Erdelyi Pszichologiai Szemle= Transylvanian Journal of Psychology, 16(1), 71. 

4 Berninger, V. W., & Richards, T. L. (2002). Brain literacy for educators and psychologists.
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Washington, DC: Academic Press.

5 Bruner, J. S. (1965). The growth of mind (Links to an external site.)
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6 Bruner, J. (1966). Learning about learning: A conference report (Links to an external site.)
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7 Bruner, J. S. (1996). The culture of education (Links to an external site.)
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8 Bruner, J. (2008). Culture and mind: Their fruitful incommensurability (Links to an external site.)
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. Ethos, 36(1), 29-45.

9 Bruner, J. S. (2009). The process of education (Links to an external site.)
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10         Campbell, J., & Mayer, R. E. (2009). Questioning as an instructional method: Does it affect learning from lectures?
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Applied Cognitive Psychology, 23, 747-759. 

11         Canada, G. (2013). Our failing schools: Enough is enough. (Links to an external site.)
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14         Christiansen, M.H., Reali, F. & Chater, N. (n.d.) The Baldwin Effect works for functional, but not arbitrary, features of language. In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on the Evolution of Language, 27-34.

15         Clark, R. C., & Mayer, R. E. (2008). Learning by viewing versus learning by doing: Evidence-based guidelines for principled learning environments.Links to an external site.
Performance Improvement, 47(9), 5-13. 

16         Clark, R. C., & Mayer, R. E. (2010). Instructional strategies for directive learning environmentsLinks to an external site.
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17         Clark, A. (2013). Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 36(03), 181-204.

18         Dan, A., & Reiner, M. (2017). EEG Based Analysis of Cognitive Load Enhance Instructional Analysis. (Links to an external site.)
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JEDM| Journal of Educational Data Mining, 9(2), 31-44.

19         Daniels, H. (2005). An introduction to Vygotsky (Links to an external site.)
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. Psychology Press.

20         Dawson, T. & Heikkinin, K. (2009). Identifying within-level differences in leadership decision making (Links to an external site.)
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. Integral Leadership Review.

21         De Houwer, J., Barnes-Holmes, D., & Moors, A. (2013). What is learning? On the nature and merits of a functional definition of learning.
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Psychonomic bulletin & review, 20(4), 631-642. 

22         De Smedt, B. (2014). Advances in the use of neuroscience methods in research on learning and instruction.Links to an external site.
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23         Deslauriers, L., Schelew, E., & Wieman, C. (2011). Improved learning in a large-enrollment physics class. Science, 332(6031), 862-864.

24         Dewey, J. (2013). The school and society and the child and the curriculum.
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25         Dumont, H., & Istance, D. (2010). Analysing and designing learning environments for the 21st century.Links to an external site.
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26         Dweck, C. (2012). Mindset: How you can fulfill your potential.
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27         Dweck, C. (2014). Teachers’ mindsets: “Every student has something to teach me”.Links to an external site.
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28         Eliasmith, C., Stewart, T. C., Choo, X., Bekolay, T., DeWolf, T., Tang, Y., & Rasmussen, D. (2012). A large-scale model of the functioning brain (Links to an external site.)
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29         Emanuel, J., & Lamb, A. (2015). Open, Online, and Blended: Transactional interactions with MOOC content by learners in three different course formats. HarvardX/Harvard University.

30         Espinet, M. (2014). An analysis of context and learning environment models in science education research and practiceLinks to an external site.
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31         Fiorella, L., & Mayer, R. E. (2013). The relative benefits of learning by teaching and teaching expectancy
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Contemporary Educational Psychology, 38, 281-288. 

32         Fiorella, L., & Mayer, R. E. (2014). The role of explanations and expectations in learning by teaching.Links to an external site.
Contemporary Educational Psychology, 39, 75-85. 

33         Fiorella, L., & Mayer, R. E. (2016). Effects of observing the instructor draw diagrams on learning from multimedia messages.Links to an external site.
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34         Fischer, K. W. (1980). A theory of cognitive development: The control and construction of hierarchies of skills.Links to an external site.
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35         Fischer, K. W. (2008). Dynamic cycles of cognitive and brain development: Measuring growth in mind, brain, and education (Links to an external site.)
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36         Fischer, K. W., Daniel, D. B., Immordino‐Yang, M. H., Stern, E., Battro, A., & Koizumi, H. (2007). Why mind, brain, and education? Why now?.  (Links to an external site.)
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Mind, Brain, and Education, 1(1), 1-2.

37         Fraser, B. J., & McRobbie, C. J. (1995). Science laboratory classroom environments at schools and universities: A cross‐national study.Links to an external site.
Educational Research and Evaluation, 1(4), 289-317.  

38         Frith, C. (2013). Making up the mind: How the brain creates our mental world (Links to an external site.)
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39         Gardner, H. (2009). Reevaluating intelligence. (Links to an external site.)
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41         Granott, N., Fischer, K. W., & Parziale, J. (2002). Bridging to the unknown: A transition mechanism in learning and development.Links to an external site.
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42         Grossberg, S. (2013). Adaptive Resonance Theory: How a brain learns to consciously attend, learn, and recognize a changing world. (Links to an external site.)
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45         Harland, T. (2003). Vygotsky's zone of proximal development and problem-based learning: Linking a theoretical concept with practice through action research. (Links to an external site.)
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47         Hattie, J. (2009). The black box of tertiary assessment: An impending revolution. In L. H. Meyer, S. Davidson, H. Anderson, R., Fletcher, P.M. Johnston, & M. Rees (Eds.), Tertiary Assessment & Higher Education Student Outcomes: Policy, Practice & Research (pp.259-275). Wellington, New Zealand: Ako Aotearoa.

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51         Healey, M. (2005). Linking research and teaching exploring disciplinary spaces and the role of inquiry-based learningLinks to an external site.
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52         Herrington, J., & Parker, J. (2013). Emerging technologies as cognitive tools for authentic learningLinks to an external site.
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53         Herrington, J., Reeves, T. C., & Oliver, R. (2014). Authentic learning environments.Links to an external site.
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54         Hinton, C., & Fischer, K. W. (2010). Learning from the developmental and biological perspective (Links to an external site.)
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55         Hinton, C., & Fischer, K. W. (2008). Research schools: Grounding research in educational practiceLinks to an external site.
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56         Howard-Jones, P. (2015). Neuroscience and education: How can we play, learn and be more creative? MNDebats Educació, Catalunya. [video]. (1:17:36). Available at  (Links to an external site.)
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60         Kleickmann, T., Richter, D., Kunter, M., Elsner, J., Besser, M., Krauss, S., & Baumert, J. (2013). Teachers’ content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge the role of structural differences in teacher education.Links to an external site.
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62         Kozulin, A. (2003). Vygotsky's educational theory in cultural context (Links to an external site.)
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63         LeCun, Y., Bengio, Y., & Hinton, G. (2015). Deep learning.
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64         Mayer, R. E. (2001). Teaching for thinking. In N.J. Smelser & P. B. Baltes (Eds.), International encyclopedia of the social and behavioral sciences (pp. 15476-15479). Oxford: Pergamon.

65         Mayer, R. E. (2002). Rote versus meaningful learning.Links to an external site.
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66         Mayer, R. E. (2003). Learning environments: The case for evidence-based practice and issue-driven research.Links to an external site.
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Other Resources

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If you are interested in any of the following topics, please email Tracey for links:

•   Articulating Objectives

•   Best Practice Activities and Evaluation

•   Characteristics of Great Teachers

•   Inspirational Teaching

•   OECD International Comparative Education Studies

•   Schooling and Curriculum

•   Teacher Expectations and Learning Outcomes

Teacher (Pedagogical) Knowledge

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