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What is character and how do we get it?

This is a great reference chart to begin with.

But how do you get to the green area? How do you become that person?"

Carl Jung, “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate," which emphasizes the importance of actively exploring your inner self with awareness, implying that navigating the unconscious depths can be challenging and may benefit from guidance.

Carl Jung emphasized the importance of guidance when delving into the depths of the unconscious mind. He associated this guiding role with the archetype of Hermes, the messenger god, who serves as a mediator between the conscious and unconscious realms. In Jungian psychology, Hermes is seen as a guide for inner journeys, facilitating the process of individuation—the integration of the unconscious into conscious awareness.

Jung believed that without such guidance, individuals might struggle to navigate the complexities of their inner world. He stated, "The shadow personifies everything that the subject refuses to acknowledge about himself," highlighting the challenges one faces when confronting the unconscious.

Therefore, having a guide or mediator is crucial in the journey of inner work, as it helps individuals safely explore and integrate the deeper aspects of their psyche.

“Anxiety, depression, and the other symptoms are substitutes for real suffering. The real suffering is at the core of those symptoms.  In order to get at that real suffering, you have go within and follow your symptoms to their source.  And you just can’t do that amidst the noise and confusion of the external world.”

— Renowned Psychiatrist and Philosopher Carl Jung

We can help you do this at Firm Water Road.



I'm Dr. Kim
Byrd-Rider, PT

In our Soul School at Firm Water Road, we are dedicated to helping people create healthy habits that can last a lifetime. Our program combines various modalities, including positive psychology, mystics, physics, and lifestyle medicine, to help our clients achieve optimal wellness. We specialize in Healthcare Workers, Military Members, School Teachers, and Students, but our holistic approach to wellness is beneficial for everyone. Let us help you achieve your health goals today.  Join us at or subscribe to the youtube channel

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