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Mudita: How to Experience Joy Through Others ™

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Vicarious Joy. The ancient Indian word mudita describes the pleasure that comes from delighting in other people's well-being. It is also called unselfish joy. In 2005, eastern sages Nyanaponika Thera, Natasha Jackson, C.F. Knight, and L.R. Oates wrote: “If this potential for unselfish joy is widely and methodically encouraged and developed, starting with the child, the seed of mudita can grow into a strong plant which will blossom forth and find fruition in many other virtues, as a kind of beneficial "chain reaction": magnanimity, tolerance, generosity (of both heart and purse), friendliness, and compassion. When unselfish joy grows, many noxious weeds in the human heart will die a natural death (or will, at least, shrink): jealousy and envy, ill will in various degrees and manifestations, cold-heartedness, miserliness (also in one's concern for others), and so forth. Unselfish joy can, indeed, act as a powerful agent in releasing dormant forces of the Good in the human heart.” In this course you will learn the Art of Mudita.

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