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Neurosis and Human Growth: Your Mission Control™

  • 12 Steps
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11-14 Hours of Content Neurosis and Human Growth: The Struggle Toward Self-Realization with Dr. Kim Byrd-Rider, MPT, DPT, MPsych Required Texts and Materials: 1. Neurosis and Human Growth: the struggle toward self-realization by Karen Horney, M.D. available on 2. Provided study guides worksheets. Once you see clearly for yourself how neurotic behavior develops and roots into every human mind, you will then be able to break free from its suffocating shackles to awaken and free your real-self for authentic living. Learn how to identify “pride systems”, “self-hatred systems”, “god complexes”, “people pleasing”, “resignation” and “should systems” which develop in our minds as coping mechanisms to form false behavioral dictatorships in all of us. We will walk through the chapters together filling out the simple study guide, and then discuss the eye-opening content as a group online. The author of our book, Dr. Karen Horney, was a world-renowned mainstream psychiatrist, second only to Freud and possibly Jung. As a German in the Berlin Psychoanalytic Institute, Dr. Horney moved to America and founded of the now esteemed American Psychological Association. Book for the course:

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