When white European settlers came to America they saw a land rich in natural resources. They looked at the land and saw many things that could be harvested and sent back to Europe to sell. Trees, wildlife skins, tobacco were all in great demand across the ocean. However, what they often overlooked was the rich history of sustainable and well-managed care of those resources. The white man came and said this is mine and I will dominate and use the resources. We all know the sad ending of this story. While many different Native American cultures lived in very different geographic areas in what would become the USA, they had a common collective wisdom. They recognized and understood that all parts of an ecosystem are connected. That humans, animals, plants, and even rocks, were dependent upon each other for survival and the well being of the ecological niche they lived in. In this course, you will learn Native American ethics directly from the masters themselves, the tribesmen. They teach us about their earth-centered perspectives, and how they live with nature and each other. In this course, these masters teach us as if we are their own children, not as an adversary. If your family has been in America for generations, you most likely are their descendants. Either way you live on their beloved lands. It is time to hear their land maintenance wisdom. You will inevitably change at least one thing in your life, if not many. You will see sustainability in a new light.
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